

The KRAG machine for mail cancellations is a machine of Norwegian origin, being an invention of the Norwegian Gustave HANSEN [1]. The machine has been introduced in Norway (end of the year 1904); Great Britain (May 1905); Latvia (1905) [4]; Holland, Belgium, France [5]; Scandinavian countries (1906); USA – Washington DC (one in 1906 and other in 1907); Romania (1907). The processing speed of the machine was of 18,000 letters per hour. The machine was used in 60 countries [2].


It is a machine by which the letters were carries of a carried by a rolling band, after, previously being passed through two cylinders: a metallic one (steel made) – on which were engraved two postmarks, at the both extremities of the same diameter, and on side and the other of the postmarks were engraved embossed various ornaments, which circled the cylinder, unifying the two postmarks [3].


            Thus, in Bucharest, the KRAG machine for mail cancellations allowed application – be it when departure, be it at arrival – a cancellation of an endless roll, which had the following points of reference:


a.       Dating block

b.       Postal office block

c.       Vertical bars block

d.       Special information block

e.       Ornament block


BUCURESTI KRAG cancellation – type 1


General characteristics: simultaneous duplex cancellation consisting of a double circle having the inner diameter of 14 mm and the outside diameter of 25 mm; the distance between the axis of the two cancellations was 78 mm.














            The dating block, under the form of a band having the length 7 – 9 mm, with the date in line: day, month (abbreviations by three characters, or expressed by Roman figures, or expressed by Arabic figures), year (last two characters), time (hour – two characters, sometimes followed by D – morning / S – evening), separated by a central dot or asterisk (*). The abbreviations used for the month are the traditional ones used by the Romanian Postal Office bur also with J instead of I for the months JAN / IAN, JUN / IUN. JUL / IUL. Example: -4 JUL 07 6 –S, 19 X 34. 11, 28IUN68 * 19, 28.11.58 --.


            The postal office block, under the form of a text - BUCURESTI -. The vertical bars block, under the form of 8 – 12 equidistant vertical bars or without contents. The special information block, under the form a text - EXPED. SCRIS. -, or - GARA DE NORD -, or - D -, or - * 1 * -, or - * 2 * -, or - * I * -, or without any information.


            The ornament block, under the form of:


a.       8 equal horizontals lines, each having a length of 50 mm, equidistant at 3.5 mm;

b.       a text developed on 5 lines, separated by equal horizontal lines, each having a length of 35 mm;

c.       a text developed on 4 lines, separated by equal horizontal lines, each having a length of 35 mm;

d.       a text developed on 3 lines, separated by equal horizontal lines, each having a length of 35 mm;

e.       two texts developed on 3 lines, separated by equal horizontal lines, each having a length of 35 mm;

f.        two texts developed on 4 lines, separated by equal horizontal lines, each having a length of 35 mm;

g.       two texts developed on 5 lines, separated by equal horizontal lines, each having a length of 50 mm.


















Type 1a: -4 JUL 07 6 – S (early date)









Type 1b:  23 IX 30. 18, VIZITATI EXPOZITIA INTERNATIONALA DE RADIO SI AEROCHIMIE BUCURESTI PARCUL CAROL 7 – 28 SEPT. 1930  (Visit the international exhibition radio and aero chemistry Bucharest Park Carol)













Type 1c: 15 IUN 48 *-0, CITITI SI RASPANDITI FRONTUL PLUGARILOR  (Read and spread Front of Ploughmen)

















Type 1d: -8 AUG 47 *11, NICI O PALMA DE PAMANT NE INSAMANTATA (applied at arrival) – No piece of land unseeded








Type 1e: 13 JUL 41 * 14, UNIREA, MUNCA SI TACEREA FAC PUTEREA / ROMANIA A ROMANILOR (Union, work and silence make the power / Romania belongs to Romanians)








Type 1f: 19 VI 30 –8, ESTE INTERZIS A SE INTRODUCE BANI SAU ALTE OBIECTE IN SCRISORI / FRANCAREA ESTE OBLIGATORIE SCRIETI CURAT SI COMPLET ADRESA (It is forbidden to introduce money or other objects in letters / Stampings mandatory write neatly and completely the address)
















Type 1d:28.11.58 --, CENTENARUL TIMBRULUI ROMINESC 1858 – 1958 (Centenary Romanian stamps 1858 – 1958)


We illustrated with a series of thematic cancellations of the type roll from the inter-war period. In detail the thematic contents is presented in [6].


BUCURESTI KRAG cancellation – type 2        


            General characteristics: simultaneous duplex cancellation consisting of a double circle having the inner diameter of 14 mm and the outside diameter of 25 mm; the distance between the axis of the two cancellations was 62 mm.















The dating block, under the form of a band having the length 8 mm, with the date in line: day, month (abbreviations by three characters), year (last two characters), time (hour – two characters), separated by a asterisk (*). The abbreviations used for the month are the traditional ones used by the Romanian Postal Office bur also with J instead of I for the months JAN / IAN, JUN / IUN. JUL / IUL. Example: 28 IUN 65 *22.


         The postal office block, under the form of a text - BUCURESTI -. The vertical bars block, without contents.  The special information block, under the form a text - OF. SP. TR. POSTALE -. The ornament block, under the form of 5 equal undulated lines, each having a length of 35 mm.







Type 2: 28 IUN 65 *22


BUCURESTI KRAG cancellation – type 3


General characteristics: simultaneous duplex cancellation consisting of a double circle having the inner diameter of 15 - 16 mm and the outside diameter of 26 mm; the distance between the axis of the two cancellations was 78 mm.















The dating block, under the form of a band having the length 8 mm, with the date in line: day, month (abbreviations by three characters), year (last two characters), time (hour – two characters), separated by a asterisk (*). The abbreviations used for the month are the traditional ones used by the Romanian Postal Office bur also with J instead of I for the months JAN / IAN, JUN / IUN. JUL / IUL. Example: 14 JUL 65 *22.


         The postal office block, under the form of a text - BUCURESTI -. The vertical bars block, without contents.  The special information block, under the form a text - D - The ornament block, under the form of 5 equal undulated lines, each having a length of 45 - 47 mm.







Type 3: 14 JUL 69 *22




[1] HANSEN, G. A. – KRAG letter stamp canceling machine, KRAG MASKIN FABRIK A/S patent, Oslo, Norway

[2] * * * - KRAG Machine Canceller, 1978, 28 pag.

[3] MATHEI, Hr. – Ştampilele poştale, Revista Telegrafică, Telefonică şi Poştală, 9, 15 iunie 1909, 347 – 350 (Rom); The postmarks

[4] * * * - Latvia under the Russian Czars, RIGA: KRAG machine cancels; web site http://latvia.jkaptein.nl/tsaren_latvia01.htm#krag

[5] BOURASSEAU, Jean – Michel – Philatélie & autres collections; web site http://mjm.bourasseau.free.fr/ Les flammes d’oblitération - Historique sur les machines d’oblitération

[6]  NEAGA, Valeriu S., Dr. – Ştampile speciale româneşti din epoca modernă şi contemporană – perioada până la 31 decembrie 1947 -, Editura Medro, Bucureşti, 1995, 96 pag. (Rom); Romanian special postmarks from the modern and contemporary era – period up December 31, 1947   




Un traitement rigoureux et complet de l’utilisation de la machine d’oblitération KRAIG à Bucarest, du début de l’année 1907. La présente étude ouvre des opportunités pour la présentation du sujet dans le contexte européenne.




A straightforward and complete approach of the use of the KRAG machine for mail cancellation in Bucharest, beginning with the year 1907. The present study open opportunities in order to approach the subject in European context.